D'var Torah: "He was like an eagle arousing its nest, hovering over its young, spreading its wings and taking them, carrying them on its pinions" (Devarim 32:11). When the eagle tends to its young, it swoops down from heaven and gently provides for them. So too, HaShem sustains Klal Yisrael, like a nursing mother who nurtures her newborn. HaShem doesn't wait for Klal Yisrael to come up to Him to receive sustenance. Instead, HaShem lovingly descends upon Klal Yisrael, to deliver our daily food and protect us at the same time.
Moral: Don't be stressed about making your livelihood. HaShem has your back!
Application: Envision an eagle speeding from heaven and hovering over its young. See him provide them with their daily food and protect them from harm. Reflect on the many ways HaShem has sent your livelihood this year. Strengthen your trust and reliance on HaShem. He will lovingly arrange all your needs every day of your life, and always keep you safe.
(Based on the teachings of the Chofetz Chaim)