“Who is a G-d like You?" (Michah 7:18). HaShem is aware of all of our actions, thoughts, and intentions. In addition, HaShem grants us the gift of life and the power of movement every second of our existence. When a person commits a misdeed, he is misusing HaShem's gift of life. His inappropriate action causes great offence to HaShem. Indeed, the Master of the Universe, has the power to immediately withdraw the gift of life, in order to stop the person from acting against the Divine will. Nevertheless, in His infinite compassion, HaShem mercifully bears the offence and continues to bestow the blessing of life upon this person. In light of this, the Prophet declared, "Who is a G-d like You?" No other king, would be so tolerant of such outright defiance. Only HaShem in His infinite mercy for man, tolerates our indiscretions and patiently waits for us to return to the path of goodness.
HaShem's compassion for man is astonishing! Every time we disrespect His gift of life, HaShem mercifully bears the insult, and continues to grant us life. Even more, with His infinite patience, He awaits our repentance.
Emulate HaShem's compassion by tolerating offence in your interpersonal relationships. Bear insult the best you can and continue to act kindly to your friends or loved ones. Patiently wait and hope that those people who have caused you distress, will eventually make amends. Rejoice in knowing that just as you show compassion to others, so too, HaShem will show compassion to you.
(Based on the Tomer Devoraoh of Rav Moshe Cordovero)