"Every instance of love between people that is not dependent on a material factor will never be extinguished" (Avos 5:16). Yonatan was the heir to the throne of King Saul. Nevertheless, David gained the throne, causing Yonatan to forfeit the kingship. Despite Yonatan's losing his chance to be king, he remained King David's closest and most loyal friend! What was the secret of Yonatan's uncompromising friendship for King David? Yonatan's love for David was powered by his spiritual love of King David's holy soul.
The purer our love is for others, the more powerful -- and lasting -- our love will be.
Envision the powerful bond of love between Yonatan and Dovid. See Yonason relinquish his right to the throne, and protect David from Saul's wrath. Sense the uncompromising loyalty, mutual respect, and noble trust between them. Be inspired by Yonathan's love to love others purely, for their good and holy souls. (Based on the commentary of Rabeny Yona)