The Benefits of Darkness \ Duties of the Heart
D'var Torah: When we observe the creations of the Creator, we see the wisdom and goodness of HaShem is revealed in some and hidden in others. For example, HaShem's wisdom is clearly seen in the warmth and light of the sun, whereas, the benefit of the darkness is not as apparent. If we reflect on the daily period of darkness we will begin to see HaShem's great wisdom in giving us the night. The darkness of night sets the mode for us to sleep. If not for night, we would not rest from our labor, and as a result our bodies would grow weary and weak. The shift from daylight to darkness time enables us to mark days, months, years, and seasons. If not for nightfall, we would not be able to observe Shabbos, fast days, or festivals. In addition, the physicians have determined that most of the digestive process takes place during the course of the night.
Moral: The benefit of the night is not apparent until we reflect on the hidden wisdom of HaShem who brings the nightfall for our benefit. So too, with proper reflection we will attain the knowledge that everything that HaShem created has many positive benefits.
Application: Envision a world with no nightfall; we would exist in one continuous everlasting day. How difficult it would be to find time to rest, relax, and refresh. There would be no special days, such as Shabbos, Yom Tom, or Rosh Chodesh. Contemplate on the wonderful benefits of darkness, and how much nightfall enhances our lives. Enjoy the quiet and peacefulness of the night, and get a good and restful sleep. Thank HaShem for bringing us the gift of darkness, on a regular and organized basis.
(Based on Duties of the Heart, Gate of Reflection)