Surrounded By the Love of HaShem
D'var Torah:
"These are the details of the Mishkan, the Mishkan of testimony which Moshe commanded" (Shemot 38:21). HaShem instructed Klal Yisrael to build the Mishkan after the incident of the golden calf. What is the relationship between these two events? King Solomon said, "It is better to have a small amount of Torah accompanied with reverence for HaShem, than a great treasury of wisdom accompanied with strife" (Mishlei 15). This verse refers to the sin of the golden calf. It is preferable to have a basic understanding of the Torah, together with the love of HaShem; than the "grandiose idea" of worshiping the golden calf, which awakened HaShem's strict judgement. HaShem graciously forgave the great culpability of this unfortunate incident because Klal Yisrael's intention was to find a leader, not to worship idols. How do we know that HaShem forgave them? As soon as they completed the Mishkan (Sanctuary) the Shechinah (Divine Presence) dwelled within its midsts. The presence of the holy Shechinah in their midsts was a clear sign and testimony that HaShem completely pardoned their misdeed.
Moral: Despite the severity of the sin of the golden calf, HaShem mercifully forgave Klal Yisrael. Even more, HaShem revealed His holy Shechinah in the Mishkan, as a clear expression of His acceptance, love, and closeness to Klal Yisrael. If HaShem forgave this unspeakable sin and revealed the Shechinah, surely, HaShem will forgive and love us when we seek His forgiveness.
Application: Imagine the joy that Klal Yisrael experienced when the Shechinah dwelt in the Mishkan. Strengthen your faith in HaShem that when you do Teshuvah, HaShem compassionately forgives you. Rejoice in HaShem's holy presence coming close to you and surrounding you with His special love, light, and purification.
(Based on the commentary of Rabenu Bachayia)