Thought Questions on Parashat Pikudei
The Salant Foundation is presenting questions prepared by the Rosh Yeshiva of Be'ar HaTorah, HaRav Gavriel Yoseph Levi. These questions come to stimulate us to ask straightforward questions that we should naturally ask as we learn the Parasha. We are not giving the answers in order to stimulate your thoughts to come up with your own answer. Please send your answers to salantorg@gmail.comThe Salant Foundation looks forward and appreciates all of your answers, comments, and questions. B'ezrat Hashem, we will give our answers next week. Question One:
The Midrash tells us that Klal Yisrael suspected that Moshe Rabenu took some of the gold and silver that they donated to build the Mishkan. Their suspicion that Moshe Rabenu misappropriated some of these holy offerings, seems preposterous. How could they suspect Moshe Rabenu, the greatest man who ever lived? Would anyone in our generation suspect, the Gadol HaDor, Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, of taking for himself from the public charity funds that are under his supervision? Question Two: Rav Shach ZTZ"L, asked the following question: When Aaron HaCohen died the Torah wrote, "All the House of Israel cried," because he always pursued peace. Yet, when Moshe Rabenu died, the Torah states, "The house of Israel cried." Could it be that the Torah is belittling Moshe Rabenu by implying that Klal Yisrael seemed to cry less for him than for Aaron HaCohen? Question Three: In the previous Parashas the Torah explained in great detail every vessel and part of the Mishkan. In Parashas Pekudie the Torah repeats all the details of the parts of the Mishkan and tells us after each part that "Betzalel made it according to the way that HaShem commanded Moshe." Usually the Torah speaks as concisely as possible. Why did the Torah in this Parasha, repeat all the details of the Mishkan? |