Dedicated L'Ilui Nishmas Rav Daniel Zvi ben Avraham Chanoch
The Everlasting Joy of Klal Yisrael
"And the people redeemed by HaShem shall return, they shall come to Zion with song, and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall attain joy and happiness, and sadness and sighing shall flee" (Isaiah 35:10).
There are a few wonderful events through which Klal Yisrael merits this "everlasting joy." First was the great Exodus from Egypt, at which time the holy Shechinah lead them though the desert. Also, is our future redemption, when the Temple will be rebuilt and HaShem's presence will dwell amongst us forever.
The remarkable joy expressed by the Prophet, also applies to the days after Yom Kippur. We experience the incomparable gladness of knowing that HaShem has forgiven us and cleansed us of all our impurities. He has redeemed us and we are as fresh as a newborn creation.
May HaShem bless you and all of Klal Yisrael to be written and sealed in the Book of Life for a Good and Peaceful Year.
(Based on the commentary of Rashi and Metzudas David)
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