D'var Torah: "HaShem lives, and blessed is my Rock, and HaShem raises my deliverance on high" (Tehilim 18:47). The Zohar cites this verse to shed light on Yoseph's remarkable release from the Egyptian dungeon of the chief executioner. "HaShem lives" refers to Yoseph's pure heart, cleansed of all material pleasures. He attaches himself to the Eternal Life of Torah and Mitzvot. "Blessed is my Rock" expresses that Yoseph attained the clarity of wisdom that HaShem is the Source of all goodness. "HaShem raises my deliverance on high" reveals that as a merit for his devotion to holiness, and his clear recognition of HaShem's kindness, HaShem performed wondrous miracles that freed Yoseph from imprisonment. After two additional years in jail, Yoseph attained absolute devotion to HaShem and clarity of trust in HaShem. As a result, "At the end of two years," Yoseph merited HaShem's wonderful salvation: "So Pharoah rushed and summoned Yoseph, and they rushed him from the dungeon."
Moral: The attachment to Eternal Life and the clear recognition that HaShem is the Source of all goodness, are the catalysts that awaken HaShem's miraculous redemption.
Application: Reflect on the verse: "HaShem lives, and blessed is my Rock, and HaShem raises my deliverance on high." Sing the verse to yourself a few times, intending to internalize its concepts. Detach from the temporal pursuits of this world and attach yourself to Eternal Life of Torah and Mitzvot. Strengthen your belief in HaShem and trust that He is the Source of Goodness. Merit HaShem's most miraculous deliverance!
(Based on the Zohar Bereisheis 197, as explained by the Mei Hashiloach)he