D'var Torah: "And Yaacov awakened from his sleep, and he said, "Indeed HaShem is in this place, and I did not know it" (Bereishis 28:16). When Yaacov Avinu fled to Charan to escape Esau's wrath, he feared Esau, who was intent on killing him. We can identify with Yaacov's fright. In light of this, HaShem helped Yaacov overcome his fear. Yaacov Avinu was a man of great faith in HaShem. Why did he fear? Sometimes, emotions hold sway over a person, even against our own will. In light of this, HaShem sent a prophetic dream to Yaacov to help him keep his fear in check. The vision of the angels ascending and descending the ladder revealed that HaShem was always close to Yaacov. Even more, HaShem disclosed that he valued Yaacov's divine service and promised Yaacov that He would always protect and provide for him.
Moral: As long as a person's will is to trust in HaShem, his faith will never falter. Even if fear or doubt overcomes a person of faith, HaShem will always help him fortify his faith and stabilize his trust in HaShem.
Application: Envision Yaacov Avinu fleeing Eretz Yisrael, with the fear of knowing that Esau is bent on killing him. As he makes his way on his journey, fear slowly takes hold of his heart. Yaacov lays down for the night and has a prophetic dream. HaShem tells him, "I am HaShem, the G-d of Avraham your father and the G-d of Yitzchak...I am with you, and I will guard you wherever you go." Be confident that HaShem will always help you to strengthen your trust in Him and banish all of your fears.
(Based on the commentary of the Malbim)