D'var Torah: "And Yohonason said to Dovid, "Whatever your soul tells me I shall do for you." Yohonason conveyed these heartfelt words to his beloved friend, Dovid, when Shaul threatened to take Dovid's life. It is interesting to note that Yohonason did not say, "Whatever you tell me I shall do for you." Instead, he said, "Whatever your soul tells me I shall do for you." Yet, does the soul have a mouth to communicate the spoken word? Many thoughts and feelings are not conveyed verbally to our friends. In this light, Yohonason expressed to his beloved friend, Dovid, that he would "listen" to the yearnings of Dovid's innermost soul, to help him most powerfully and beneficially.
Moral: Understanding and "being there" for our friends requires us to go beyond the spoken word. We can listen to and feel the profound expressions of the soul, and truly help our friends.
Application: Envision Dovid fearing for his life at the hands of King Saul. Hear Yohonason, say to Dovid, "Whatever your soul tells me I shall do for you." Imagine how Yohonason's great love for Dovid inspires him to perceive the true yearnings, fears, and needs of David. See Yohonason intuitively tune in to Dovid's innermost soul and devise a plan to protect Dovid from King Saul's pursuit. Emulate Yohonason and sensitize yourself to understand and best serve your friends.
(Based on Shmuel A 20:4)