D'var Torah: "The Master of the universe, Who reigned before anything was created" (Adon HaOlam \ Siddur) Our Sages tell us, "There can be no king without a people." Meaning, whom does a king reign over if there are no subjects to rule? In light of this, what is the explanation of the phrase, "HaShem reigned as King before anything was created?" There is a fundamental difference between an earthly king in contrast to HaShem. The kingship of a human king depends on imposing his authority to rule over his subjects. Whereas, HaShem's Kingship is not dependent upon the subjugation of His creations. HaShem is King by nature of His very essence. Regardless of whether or not His creations exist, HaShem alone is the only true King.
Moral: HaShem was King before He created the world. HaShem is the King, Who created the universe and reigns eternally supreme over all of His creations.
Application: Reflect on the verse: "The Master of the universe, Who reigned before anything was created." Sing the verse to yourself intending to integrate its meaning into your heart. Sense the awe of standing in the presence of the Eternal King. Rejoice in knowing the holiness, wisdom, power, and kindness of the "Master of the Universe."