In a stunning example of pure kindness, Rivka graciously provided water for Eliezer and his camels, when they arrived at the well. Afterwards, Eliezer gave her the jewelry that Avraham sent for Yitzchak's wife to be. Yet Eliezer gave her the jewelry before verifying her family lineage. What if Rivka was not from the patriarchal family? Eliezer knew that Avraham loved kindness so much, that he would have wanted to give the precious gifts to such a master of kindness, even if her lineage was not fitting for Yitzchak! Lesson: The attribute of loving kindness, in and of itself, is the clear sign of a spiritual worthy person. App: Envision Rivka filling her pitcher with water from the well and graciously serving Eliezer, his attendants, and camels. See her joyously run to the well several times to provide them with an abundance of cool water. Imagine Eliezer so amazed by Rivka's kindness, that he is moved to give her the precious gold jewelry. [Based on the writings of the Ramchal and his student RaMad Vali] |
L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph
Refuah Shleimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus Refuah Shleimah R' Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel Refuah Shleimah Miriam Chaya bas Sara Refuah Shleimah Avraham ben Faige Refuah Sheimah Dovid Noach ben Shoshana Raizel Refuah Shleimah Shaya ben Malkah
Refuah Shleimah Chaya Raizel bas Dena Refuah Shleimah Miriam bas Chana Refuah Shleimah Yisrael Gedalya ben Reva Refuah Shleimah Yitzchak Eliezer ben Fruma Baila Refuah Shleimah Don ben Rachel