Chaya Raisel bat Dena is in a coma since before Shavuot. She needs our prayers! She is 31 and a mother of 3 year old twins. Click Here for Tehillim Link
The Dawning of Redemption
"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light" (Ishaiah 9:1). During the Egyptian exile Klal Yisrael fell into a bondage and descended into the lowest level of spiritual impurity. After two hundred and ten years of oppression, it would seem unlikely for them to be freed from the clutches of Pharaoh and the Egyptian task masters. Nevertheless, when the situation was absolutely bleak, HaShem suddenly redeemed Klal Yisrael. Lesson: Just as HaShem redeemed Klal Yisrael from the very depths of darkness, so too, from amidst the darkness of our long exile, HaShem will swiftly reveal the light of the final redemption. App: Reflect on the miracles that HaShem performed for Klal Yisrael throughout history, such as: the ten plagues, the splitting of the Red Sea, the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, the manna in the desert, the conquering of the Land of Israel from thirty-one kingdoms, the establishment of King David's sovereignty, the building of King Solomon's Temple, Chanukah, and Purim --- and be inspired toabsolutely trust in HaShem to instantaneously reveal His light and redeem Klal Yisrael! (Based on the writings of the Chofetz Chaim)
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