Mazel Tov to Eli Tilson on the birth of his son and Grandfather Naftali Tilson!
Awakening HaShem's Love Klal Yisrael enthusiastically donated the materials needed to make the Mishkan and its vessels. In fact, they were so inspired, they brought far more materials for the Mishkan than was needed. Their sincere joy to fulfill HaShem's will awakened HaShem's great love for Klal Yisrael. HaShem preserved the honor of each and every person who made an effort to participate in the formation of the Mishkan. Therefore, even though there was a surplus of materials, HaShem miraculously incorporated everything that was donated into the formation of the Mishkan!
Lesson: The more we enthusiastically serve HaShem through Torah, Mitzvos, and good deeds, the more HaShem will shower us with His love. Even more, HaShem will be concerned to honor us, so that all of our efforts to please Him, will be accepted, rewarded, and eternally blessed.
Visualization: Envision Klal Yisrael joyfully bringing the gold, silver, copper, and all the fabrics required to form the Mishkan. Reflect on HaShem responding to their enthusiasm by awakening new dimensions of love for Klal Yisrael. Reflect on HaShem honoring and accepting each person's effort with eternal reward. Know the more you perform your Mitzvos with love, the more HaShem loves and honors you -- and grants you countless blessings, spiritual growth, and eternal reward! (Based on the commentary of the Ohr HaChaim on the Torah)
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