The Future Glory of Klal Yisrael
The Shechinah perpetually filled the Mishkan with holiness and light the entire time Klal Yisrael traversed the desert. Yet, the Shechinah did not permanently rest in the first nor the second Temple. However, in the third Temple, may it be established soon in our days, there will be an even greater, everlasting radiance of the Shechinah than was manifest in the Mishkan! We know this to be true from the following Prophetic verse (Zecharia 2:9): "'I will be to it, ' says HaShem, 'a wall of fire all around and for glory I will be in its midst." The "wall of fire" signifies that HaShem will protect us from all our enemies, and "glory I will be in its midst" signifies the eternal revelation of the splendorous Shechinah in the Temple.
Lesson: The Days of Meshiach will be a time when HaShem's infinite dimension of compassion will be revealed on Klal Yisrael and the Shechinah will forever dwell amongst us!
Visualization: Envision entering the Third Temple. Sense a wall of fire protecting Klal Yisrael from all of our enemies. Experience the peace, wisdom, and holiness being in the Presence of the ˆShechinah. (Based on the commentary of the Seforno to the Torah)
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