Love and Kindness Awakens the Redemption
When Klal Yisrael were enslaved in Egypt, they realized that they were powerless to overthrow Pharaoh's decree. In response to their situation, Klal Yisrael instituted an innovative solution. They made a "covenant of kindness" with each one another. This meant that they committed themselves to do everything in their power to actively help and support their fellow Jews. They understood that exhibiting such an extraordinary level of kindness to one another, despite the trials and tribulations each person was enduring, would awaken Hashem's kindness towards them. Indeed, the merit of this kindness was the catalyst that brought about their awakened the miraculous Exodus from Egypt.
Lesson: There is something very powerful that we can do to advance hasten the arrival of the Geulah. Our holy Sages teach us, that the way we treat each other determines how Hashem treats us. Therefore, the more we love, honor, and act with kindness towards one another, the more Hashem will awaken His love, honor, and kindness for Klal Yisrael and speedily bring the Geulah!
Visualization: Sense the warmth, compassion, and love that Avraham Avinu felt in his heart for every person. Transpose his joy, goodness, and empathy into your own heart. Do your best to open your heart to love and bestow kindness upon every person. Visualize our love and unity awakening Hashem's unconditional love for Klal Yisrael and bringing the Geulah! (Based on Tanna D'vei Eliyahuy and the commentaries of the Chofetz Chaim and Rav Matisiyahu Salomon) to view the Salant Mussar Library Collection |