The Blossoming of Man
Tu B'Shvat, the New Year of the Trees, marks the time when the sap begins to rise and flow through the trees. Yet, in the middle of the cold winter, there is no hint that the bare tree is coming to life. HaShem works secretly, commanding the sap to rise and the renewal of the trees to begin. Soon tiny leaves appear on the lifeless branches, followed by colorful blossoms. After a few months of hidden wonders, HaShem brings forth the miracle of the sweet fruits, all in their due season.
Lesson: The blossoming of the tree symbolizes the spiritual awakening of man. Even though man is encumbered by the material influences, his holy soul inspires him to elevate himself by coming close to HaShem. Once he begins his journey to uplift himself, it is for certain that he will soon blossom with the fruits of good deeds and pleasing character traits.
Visualization: Contemplate that the sap is beginning to rise in all of the trees. Consider that when you make the initiative to better yourself, HaShem kindles the flame of your soul. Just as the tree springs to life, so too, soon you will flow with the sweet fruits of Torah wisdom, the performance Mitzvos, and many acts of kindness.
Dear Salant Friends,
The 25th of Shevat, Shabbos (February 10, 2018) is the Yarzeit of Rabbi Yisrael Salanter.
Rabbi Salanter revolutionized Judaism by refocusing the central theme of the Torah on kindness, love of our fellow, sensitivity, and compassion.
He was like a lightning bolt that illuminated Jewish hearts with the light of morality, encouragement, and wholesome values.
The Chofetz Chaim said, "Rabbi Yisrael Salanter was an angel that HaShem sent to save Klal Yisrael."
Indeed, Rabbi Salanter once remarked, "The inspiring teachings of Mussar have the power to bring the Geulah."
The Salant Foundation works on many fronts to help strengthen Mussar in the world.
Please watch this short video clip that outlines the programs, projects, and progress of the Salant Foundation.
With your generous gift, we will be able to provide books and audio lessons for our new Mussar Learning Center in Eretz Yisrael.
Help us attain our modest goal for this campaign of just $7,200.
There is a tradition that whomever gives tzedakah on the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Salanter, will receive blessings of success, happiness, and peace.
Join the Salant Team and receive the blessings of the holy Rabbi Yisrael Salanter, on this special day.
Check: The Salant Foundtion 1330 NE 172 Street North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Thank you for your kind consideration!
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