Hashem said to Moshe, "I will be what I will be..." (Shemos 3:14) Rashi explains that this phrase means, "I will be with them in the suffering of the Egyptian exile, and I will be with them in the suffering of future exiles."
From this, we learn a profound lesson: Hashem is always with us, especially in our times of suffering. The image of the Burning Bush that Moshe encountered teaches us this same truth. The bush is a short, thorny bush. It was ablaze with fire but was not consumed, symbolizing Klal Yisrael enduring the hardships of exile and suffering, yet never losing their essence.
And from the midst of that fire, Hashem spoke to Moshe—showing that even in the darkest moments, His presence is with us, as per the verse, "I am with them in their suffering!" (Tehillim 91:15)
Today: Let us strengthen our trust in Hashem, knowing He is with us in every trial and challenge. May we feel His closeness, especially during difficult times. Turn to Him in prayer, for He is always near, ready to listen and respond to our calls.
Note: This week, we learned that Klal Yisrael suffered under Egyptian bondage as a result of speaking Lashon Hara. In today’s world, we are constantly exposed to social media and news broadcasts, where Lashon Hara is widespread. We would love to hear from our subscribers: What practical steps can we take to address and rectify this issue in our own lives and communities? Thank you for your valuable insights and support! |