
quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2016

SF - The Joy of Love

The Joy of Love

There is no greater joy, than the joy of being loved. The joy is especially intensified the more we are aware that HaShem, the kind and compassionate Creator, loves us with His infinite love. Indeed, HaShem loves Klal Yisrael -- individually and collectively -- with the endless and powerful love of a loving and merciful Father, as the Torah reveals: "You are children to HaShem, your G-d." 

Lesson: Just as a loving father rejoices with the good fortune of his child and empathizes with his hardships, so too, HaShem, our loving Father, rejoices with us in our good times and empathizes with our struggles.

App: Emulate HaShem by opening your heart to love and care for each member of Klal Yisrael. Empathize with them in their hardships and rejoice with them in their happy occasions.

[Based on Tomer Devorah of Rav Moshe Cordevaro, Chapter One]

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terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2016

SF - A Lesson in Self-Esteem

A Lesson in Self-Esteem

"Rabbi Akiva said, 'Beloved is man to HaShem, for he was created in G-d's likeness. An additional dimension of HaShem's love for man is expressed through HaShem making known to man that he was created in His likeness, as it says, 'For in the likeness of G-d, He made man.'" (Pirkei Avos 3:18)

While many people struggle to find self-worth, the Torah reveals the secret of authentic personal happiness. Attaining genuine self-worth rests on knowing three truths revealed in the Torah. First, is the revelation that HaShem, created man with the beautiful attributes of Divine goodness, that reflect the goodness of G-d, Himself. Secondly, our very attribute of goodness, that HaShem implanted within our souls, make us eternally beloved to HaShem. Thirdly, the fact that HaShem revealed to man that He created us in His likeness, uncovers an additional dimension of HaShem's love for man.

Lesson: The awareness of HaShem's wondrous love for man is the bedrock of our self-esteem. Nothing gives us true self-worth as much as knowing that HaShem loves us and values us for our inherent essence - the goodness of our souls.

Visualization: Envision receiving a text-message from HaShem expressing that He loves you because of your inherent goodness. Imagine how happy and empowered you feel in knowing that you are so cherished and beloved to HaShem. 
(Based on Ohr HaZafon)

To receive Salant Emails please send "request" to
L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

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Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus
Refuah Shleimah R' Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel
Refuah Shleimah Avraham ben Faige
Refuah Sheimah for Dovid Noach ben Shoshana Raizel
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Refuah Shleimah Chaya Raizel bas Dena
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2016

Generosidade e Boa Vontade

Em Memória de Alter Yossef ben Shmuel, Hanne Bruche bat Hazel, Samuele ben Yossef, Samuel ben Avraham, Regina bat Alter, Braindel bat Shmuel Biniamin e Lea bat Michael Z"L


Sabedoria para o Crescimento Pessoal








Esta Porção Semanal da Torá (Devarim 15:10) ensina a importância de darmos aos carentes com sentimentos positivos: "Vocês certamente devem dar-lhe (ao carente), e que seus corações não se sintam mal quando derem, pois em retorno o Todo-Poderoso, seu D'us, os abençoará em todos os seus atos e em todos os seus esforços". Daqui aprendemos que há dois aspectos que compõem o ato de fazer caridade: (1) o próprio ato de dar, e (2) a disposição do coração em fazê-lo.


Rashi comenta (Devarim 15:7) que há pessoas que fazem caridade mas sofrem por abrir mão do dinheiro. É verdade que dão, mas não com um coração aberto e generoso.


Já a dádiva daqueles que dão de bom coração flui em grande abundância: eles doam generosamente e desejam muito beneficiar o receptor de sua ajuda.


A Torá nos ensina que o principal componente de dar não é a dádiva em si, mas os bons sentimentos e o desejo de dar - dar de todo o coração (sem nenhum traço de ressentimento por separar-se de seu dinheiro). O judaísmo foi fundado por Avraham, que era um mestre da compaixão e bondade. Que possamos seguir em seus passos e dar abundantemente e sem limites!



Uma Ótima Semana a Todos!



Baseado no livro Daat Torá do Rabino Yerucham Halevi Levovitz

       (conhecido como Rav Yerucham de Mir, Lituânia e Polônia,  1874-1936)





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SF - The Receiver is the Giver

The Receiver is the Giver

"You shall surely give him...and in return HaShem will bless you in  all of your deeds and in all of your endeavors" (Devarim15:10). The verse tells us that HaShem blesses a person who gives charity. If the giver of charity is blessed for giving to the poor person, then it is actually the poor man that generated the blessing for the giver! Without the recipient, no blessing would be awakened for the benefactor.

Lesson: The Torah reveals that in all giving there is a hidden reversal of roles. Since, HaShem blesses the wealthy man for helping the poor man, the kindness is attributed even more to the receiver than the giver. 

Visualization: When you help another person, envision that it is really him that is helping you. Reflect on the Midrash: "More than the wealthy man helps the poor, the poor person helps the wealthy man."
(Based on Ohr RaShav of the Alter of Kelm)      

To receive Salant Emails please send "request" to
L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

Refuah Shleimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta 
Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus
Refuah Shleimah R' Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel
Refuah Shleimah Avraham ben Faige
Refuah Sheimah for Dovid Noach ben Shoshana Raizel
Refuah Shleimah Shaya ben Malkah
Refuah Shleimah Chaya Raizel bas Dena
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2016

Experimente a Alegria do Shabat

Em Memória de Alter Yossef ben Shmuel, Hanne Bruche bat Hazel, Samuele ben Yossef, Samuel ben Avraham, Regina bat Alter, Braindel bat Shmuel Biniamin e Lea bat Michael Z"L


Sabedoria para o Crescimento Pessoal








"Para o seu benefício, Eu lhes dei o Shabat"

(Midrash Eikev)



Da mesma forma que os méritos dos bons atos que a pessoa faz lhe proporcionarão um lugar no Gan Eden (Paraíso), assim também, a pessoa que se purifica durante a semana irá desfrutar das delícias espirituais do Shabat.



       O Shabat é uma grande dádiva da absoluta  bondade do Todo-Poderoso. De acordo com o grau que extraímos o bom do ruim durante a semana, assim receberemos as bênçãos do Shabat.



Caprichemos para elevar os nossos atos, pensamentos e fala durante a semana -- e desfrutaremos da beleza, grandeza espiritual e alegria  do Shabat.


Shabat Shalom a Todos!





Com base no comentário do Sefat Emet, Rebe Yehuda Arie Alter de Gur ZT"L (Polônia, 1847-1905),  sobre a Torá







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