
quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2015

Um Bom Amigo

Em Memória de Alter Yossef ben Shmuel, Hanne Bruche bat Hazel, Samuele ben Yossef, Samuel ben Avraham, Regina bat Alter, Aranka bat Shmuel Biniamin e Lea bat Michael Z"L

Pirkei Avót – Ética de Nossos Antepassados

         "Rabi Yochanan bem Zakai falou a seus alunos: ' Saiam e vejam qual o caminho correto que uma pessoa deve seguir'. Rabi Yossi, um de seus alunos, disse: 'O melhor caminho é esforçar-se para ser um bom vizinho'." (2:13)

       Toda virtude é preciosa e importante. Portanto, se alguém se sobressai em determinada característica, ele não vai presumir que pode fazer 'corpo mole' nas demais. Por exemplo: se esta pessoa se destaca na virtude da bondade, isto não lhe dá o direito de ser preguiçoso(a). Sendo assim, por que Rabi Yochanan nos instruiu a focarmos no 'caminho correto'?
       Na verdade esta mishná está nos revelando um grande segredo em relação ao desenvolvimento pessoal: todas as características humanas estão conectadas umas às outras. Assim sendo, ao se obter a maestria e controle sobre uma determinada virtude, isto sistematicamente nos levará à maestria em todas as demais!
       Consequentemente, embora seja importante praticarmos todas as boas características, devemos nos esforçar em nos destacar em uma delas em particular. A maestria de uma virtude 'básica' facilitará o progresso em todas as demais características.
       Rabi Yossi nos aconselhou a nos destacarmos na característica referente ao fundamento de sermos 'bons vizinhos'. Quando uma pessoa consegue o amor e admiração de, digamos, cinco vizinhos ou amigos, isto a levará a ser bem quista e querida por toda a comunidade. Por sua vez, isto lhe dará a capacidade de adquirir todas as mais preciosas e boas características!
Shabat Shalom a Todos!
Baseado no comentário do Rabeinu Yoná (Espanha, *-1263) sobre o Pirkei Avót


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SF - The Law of Spiritual Elevation

The Law of Spiritual Elevation

As Moshe Rabenu was tending his sheep he came upon an awesome sight. A thorn-bush was enveloped in flames of fire, yet, miraculously, the thorn-bush did not burn. Moshe was amazed and turned to observe this mystery, hoping, perhaps, he would encounter HaShem. HaShem recognized Moshe's yearning to come close, so He began to speak to Moshe from the bush. In a similar event, Moshe ascended Mount Sinai intending to come close to HaShem. As as result of his longing to uplift himself, HaShem reciprocated and taught him the holy Torah.

Lesson: Fortunately, there is a wonderful law of creation, that we can rely on to help us discover the spiritual side of life. What is this "law of elevation?" Our holy sages teach, "When a person strives for purity, HaShem helps him to sanctify himself." Sometimes just the small gesture of turning our head to ponder a mystery, is enough to open the gates of enlightenment.

Visualization: See yourself as a shepherd leading your flock in the far away mountains. Soon you come upon a bush that is surrounded by flames, yet does not burn. Realizing that this is a supernatural event you turn to look, hoping for spiritual enrichment. Hear HaShem speak to you and tell you a precious secret. Feel the holiness, awe, and joy of being in HaShem's merciful presence.

(Based on the commentary of the Seforno to Shemos)    

In order to schedule a ten-minute consultation with Rabbi Zvi Miller, via skype or phone, send email request to
L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

Refuah Shieimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta 
Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus
Refuah Shleimah Daniel Ezra ben Shira Malka
Refuah Shleimah Golda bas Riva
Refuah Shleimah R' Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel
Refuah Shleimah R' Chaim Yisrael ben Chana Tzirel

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Salant Foundation | 1330 NE 172 St. | North Miami Beach | FL | 33162

quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2015

SF - How to Act With Confidence and Integrity

How to Act With Confidence and Integrity

Imagine your father is the king and you are next in line to take the throne. People say, "You got it made." Then, a great man emerges whom is better suited than you to reign. What would you do? Yonason, the son of King Shaul, had this exact challenge. He was destined to inherit the throne. Yet, David arose and proved to be more worthy of the kingship. Yonason responded by befriending, supporting, and loving David. Where did he find the moral strength to act with such dignity? Yonason had one singular goal: fulfill the will of HaShem. His passion to serve HaShem, empowered him to always reach for the higher good.

Lesson: Each one of us wants to be true to our own values. Yet, there are many forces in life that make it a great challenge. Like ego and envy, just to name a few. The good news is there is something that gives us the control. A solid spiritual commitment empowers us with the clarity to cut through all the fluff and do the right thing

Visualization: Envision Yonason going out to a field to reflect on his life and seek the light. See him befriend David and become lifelong, inseparable friends. Follow Yonason's footsteps. Take some quiet time and mediate on your personal situation, issues, and choices. Find the truth and be bold enough to act with purity, confidence, and integrity.
(Based on the commentary of Rabenu Yonah to Pirkei Avos 5:16)
In order to schedule a ten-minute consultation with Rabbi Zvi Miller, via skype or phone, send email request to
L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

Refuah Shieimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta 
Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus
Refuah Shleimah Daniel Ezra ben Shira Malka
Refuah Shleimah Golda bas Rivka
Refuah Shleimah R' Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel
Refuah Shleimah R' Chaim Yisrael ben Chana Tzirel

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Salant Foundation | 1330 NE 172 St. | North Miami Beach | FL | 33162

terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2015

SF - The Secret of Unlocking Our Hearts

The Secret of Unlocking Our Hearts

When Moshe Rabenu was a prince in Egypt, he did something puzzling. Amazingly, he left the luxury accommodations of the Egyptian royal palace and went to the slave pits where his brethren worked. Why would he do that? His nobel purpose was to see and feel their burdens firsthand. Seeing the suffering of his brethren, moved his heart to feel new levels of compassion. He felt so much mercy for them, that he even went down into the fields and helped his friends carry their loads!

Lesson: We all would like to know the secret of unlocking our hearts to feel compassion for others. Moshe shows us the way. The more we observe the challenges and struggles of our friends, the more we will empathize with them and be inspired to help and comfort them.

Visualization: Envision Moshe looking at the suffering of his brethren. See the expression of compassion on his countenance. See tears of empathy flow from the corner of his eyes. Now transfer this image to your heart. Visit or think about a friend who is going through a difficult period in his life. Try to sensitize your heart to feel compassion for him and do something to lighten his load.
(Based on the commentary of Rashi to the Torah)

In order to schedule a ten-minute consultation with Rabbi Zvi Miller, via skype or phone, send email request to
L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

Refuah Shieimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta 
Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus
Refuah Shleimah Daniel Ezra ben Shira Malka
Refuah Shleimah Golda bas Riva
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Salant Foundation | 1330 NE 172 St. | North Miami Beach | FL | 33162

segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2015

SF - Tap Into the Power of Prayer

Tap Into the Power of Prayer

Batya, Pharaoh's daughter, came to bathe in the Nile because she had a skin malady. When she arrived at the river bank she noticed a small ark holding a baby, floating on the water. The beautiful baby, Moshe Rabenu, was glowing with a special light. She reached out to rescue the baby, and as soon as she touched him, she was instantly healed.

Lesson: Since Moshe was destined to free Klal Yisrael from slavery and lead us to the receive the Torah on Mount Sinai, the holy Shechinah rested upon him from birth. The Shechinah has the power to heal and save every person from the worst trouble in a second's time.

App: Before you pray, envision that as Batya reaches for Moshe, she is miraculously healed. Be encouraged by knowing that when you pray, HaShem, your Merciful Father, is right next to you and He has the power to answer all of your prayers.

(Pirkei D'Rebe Eliezer)

In order to schedule a ten-minute consultation with Rabbi Zvi Miller, via skype or phone, send email request to
L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

Refuah Shieimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta 
Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus
Refuah Shleimah Daniel Ezra ben Shira Malka
Refuah Shleimah Golda bas Riva
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Salant Foundation | 1330 NE 172 St. | North Miami Beach | FL | 33162

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