
terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2017

SF - The Perfect Harmony of the Universe

The Perfect Harmony of the Universe

The universe and all its various components work together in perfect harmony. From time immemorial, the fundamental elements have never failed to comply with HaShem's Will to provide an ideal environment for man. The sun rises every day at its appointed time, and illuminates the earth. The waters of the ocean keep within their boundaries, never covering the dry land. The countless miracles of the human body grant man a healthy and wholesome existence.

Lesson: If one of the forces of the universe would stray from HaShem's command, man would not be able to thrive.  May we be inspired to faithfully serve HaShem, so that the natural forces will continue to serve us and provide us with the goodness of existence.

Visualization: Envision the countless stars keeping their orbits in perfect harmony. Imagine what would occur if one star collided with the earth. Strengthen your commitment to be pleasing to HaShem, so that He will bless you with happiness, health, and every success.
(Based on Chovos HaLevavos, The Gate of Reflection) 
to view the Salant Mussar Library Collection
L"N Rav Yochanon Mordecai Ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leach bas Yehudah

Refuah Shleimah

Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta
 Zlota bas Chana 
Shalom Yoseph ben Leiba Zlota
Riva bas Henya
Zivia bas Raizel
Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana
Chava Bas Michal Chanah
Harriet Bat Sophie Lee
Mier chai ben margalit j"avayeer
Yehuda ben hannah
Leah dina bat Ziporah 
Rina bat sara 
Esther Yael chaya bat leah Liza 
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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segunda-feira, 30 de outubro de 2017

SF - The Warmth of Avraham

The Warmth of Avraham

"And HaShem appeared to Avraham in the fields of Mamre,  and he was sitting in the entrance of his tent, like the heat of the day" (Bereishis 18:1). The phrase, "like the heat of the day," requires on explanation. The Torah likens Avraham Avinu to the sun: he was a spiritual luminary who illuminated the entire world. The verse conveys that he was sitting near the entrance of his tent, in order to invite wayfarers into his home for a sumptuous meal. 

Lesson: Avraham Avinu's wonderful acts of loving kindness and pleasant personality, warmed the hearts of all mankind, like the glow of the golden sun.

Visualization: Envision Avraham Avinu inviting you into his tent for a meal. Notice how he speaks to you with honor, care and respect. Sense how the warmth of his heart fills the whole world with love, compassion,  and kindness.
(Based on the commentary of the Kli Yakar on the Torah)

to view the Salant Mussar Library Collection
L"N Rav Yochanon Mordecai Ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leach bas Yehudah

Refuah Shleimah

Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta
 Zlota bas Chana 
Shalom Yoseph ben Leiba Zlota
Riva bas Henya
Zivia bas Raizel
Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana
Chava Bas Michal Chanah
Harriet Bat Sophie Lee
Mier chai ben margalit j"avayeer
Yehuda ben hannah
Leah dina bat Ziporah 
Rina bat sara 
Esther Yael chaya bat leah Liza 
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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Constant Contact

sexta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2017

SF - The Power to Bless

The Power to Bless

"And you will be a blessing" (Bereishis 12:2). The meaning of this verse is that HaShem entrusted the power of blessing other people to Avraham.  Previously, HaShem blessed whomever He chose, but from now on Avraham will have the merit to bless whomever he so wishes. Why did HaShem transfer the power of blessing to a human being? Avraham Avinu mastered the trait of loving-kindness; he held love for every person, and constantly performed acts of kindness to all of HaShem's creations. Therefore, HaShem saw it was appropriate for Avraham, who loved all mankind, to be the source of blessings.

Lesson: The love, care, and joy that we hold for others, increases the power of our blessings that we evoke on their behalf .

Visualization: Envision love and goodness for all people flowing from your heart. In turn, may the "blessings of Avraham" bring unbounded goodness upon us and all of "Klal Yisrael." 
(Based on Rashi as explained in Da'as Torah)
to view the Salant Mussar Library Collection
L"N Rav Yochanon Mordecai Ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leach bas Yehudah

Refuah Shleimah

Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta
 Zlota bas Chana 
Shalom Yoseph ben Leiba Zlota
Riva bas Henya
Zivia bas Raizel
Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana
Chava Bas Michal Chanah
Harriet Bat Sophie Lee
Mier chai ben margalit j"avayeer
Yehuda ben hannah
Leah dina bat Ziporah 
Rina bat sara 
Esther Yael chaya bat leah Liza 
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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quinta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2017

As Gerações de Noé

Em Memória de Alter Yossef ben Shmuel, Hanne Bruche bat Hazel, Samuele ben Yossef, Samuel ben Avraham, Regina bat Alter, Braindel bat Shmuel Biniamin e Lea bat Michael Z"L


Sabedoria para o Crescimento Pessoal








"Estas são as gerações de Noé (Noach):

 Noé era um homem justo" (Bereshit 6:9)





        A porção semanal da semana passada – que tratava sobre a Arca de Noé – se inicia com o seguinte versículo: "Estas são as gerações de Noé (Noach): Noé era um homem justo".

        O nome Noach significa (em hebraico) algo agradável e gentil. A essência da justiça e retidão de Noé era ser ele uma pessoa agradável e fácil de gostar. Ele demonstrou uma inflexível integridade e um cuidado e preocupação incansáveis por todas as criações de D'us durante o ano que durou o episódio do Dilúvio. Além disso, Noach era confiável e honesto em todas as suas relações interpessoais. Sempre que se comprometia a fazer algo, com certeza seria realizado. 

        A afabilidade e boa índole de Noach permeavam o seu ser e personificavam o ensinamento de nossos Sábios: "'Todo indivíduo que é agradável a seus semelhantes é agradável ao Todo-Poderoso" (Pirkei Avót 3:13).

        Reflitamos sobre as muitas boas características de Noé e como podemos adaptá-las a nós. Talvez iniciemos por sua paciência e afabilidade. Neste caminho, com certeza colheremos frutos positivos em nossas amizades, em nosso relacionamento dentro da família e com todos os demais!






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SF - The Legacy of King David

The Legacy of King David

King David met every challenge with the following immutable rule, "Even if the sword is laying on your neck, do not desist from praying to HaShem to show you compassion." King David left us an invaluable legacy, a game-plan to always find success. When you have a financial crisis, a serious illness, or a broken relationship, etc., never give up. Turn to HaShem for help. HaShem is waiting for our prayer and heartfelt  supplication. 

Lesson: King David was resolute, uncompromising, and hopeful in his absolute trust in HaShem, even in the most trying moments and seemingly insurmountable difficulties.

Visualization: Envision King David strengthening his faith in HaShem, even when the odds were against him. Follow King David's ideal and turn to HaShem when the chips are down. Be confident that HaShem will save you and convert your hardship into joy.
(Based on Brachos 10a)
to view the Salant Mussar Library Collection
L"N Rav Yochanon Mordecai Ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leach bas Yehudah

Refuah Shleimah

Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta
 Zlota bas Chana 
Shalom Yoseph ben Leiba Zlota
Riva bas Henya
Zivia bas Raizel
Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana
Chava Bas Michal Chanah
Mier chai ben margalit j"avayeer
Yehuda ben hannah
Leah dina bat Ziporah 
Rina bat sara 
Esther Yael chaya bat leah Liza 
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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