
sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2024

SF - Giving is Receiving

You shall surely give him, and let not your heart feel bad when you give him, for in return for this matter, HaShem, your G-d, will bless you in all of your deeds and in all of your endeavors” (Devarim 15:10).

The verse tell us that the giver of charity should not be distressed because HaShem will bless him for his benevolence.

Why does the Torah reverse the roles? It is the poor man who needs HaShem’s blessings! Why does the Torah grant a blessing to the wealthy man? Wouldn’t it suffice to alleviate the reservations of the giver, if HaShem simply reassured him that he is doing a righteous act? Let HaShem bless the poor man, let the giver retain his wealth, and may HaShem provide them both with their needs.

The Torah is revealing a hidden truth. The act of kindness is performed by the receiver and not the giver! Yet, how can a receiver “give”?

If the giver of the charity is blessed by HaShem, then the source of the blessing is the poor person. Without the recipient, no blessing would be awakened for the benefactor. HaShem blesses the wealthy because of the poor man, who received the charity!

HaShem grants us the opportunity to find favor in His eyes, by providing us with acts of kindness to perform. When we give to others, we should not imagine that we are helping the person in need.

All the blessings that HaShem bestows upon the benefactor emanates from the beneficiary!

As the Midrash states, “More than the wealthy man helps the poor person, the poor person helps the wealthy man!”

When you give charity, envision that the recipient is blessing you!

(Based on Ohr RaShaz, the Alter of Kelm)


May the souls who left this world be remembered for a blessing.

R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Mordecai ben Rav Moshe and Rebbitzen Mazel Malka bas Sara

Meira Leah bas Michael

Basha Elka bas Moshe HaCohen

Devorah bas Moshe

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Yisrael ben HaRav HaGaon Zev Wolf

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Moshe ben HaRav HaGaon Yacov

Moshe Fisher

HaRav HaGaon Daniel Zvi ben Avraham Chanuch

HaRav HaGaon BZF

R' Maair Ben R' Yakutiel and Javayeer z"tl

Refuah Shleimah

Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta

Zivia bas Raizel

Tzvi ben Chana

Avner Shimon ben Argamon

Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana

Chava Bas Michal Chanah

Nuna bas Nuna

Yakir Efraim Ben Rachel Devora

Chaya Leah bas Sara

Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha

Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzipora

Shmuel Ben Navat

Chanah Tauba bat Tzilah.

Daniella bat Sarah

Rise bat Faiga

US 305 653 1182
Israel 058 429 8471

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quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2024

SF - Irrepressible Optimism in Hashem

"Trust in HaShem, strengthen and encourage yourself, and trust in HaShem" (Tehillim 27).

This inspirational verse teaches us to always rely and trust in HaShem because even a thousand difficulties cannot extinguish one's dynamic faith. "Trust in HaShem," that no trouble will come. If trouble does come, "Strengthen and encourage yourself." Meaning, never give up hope from finding HaShem's compassion, even if "the sword is resting on your neck." Lastly, "And trust in HaShem," meaning, on the merit of your irrepressible trust in HaShem the trouble will pass and you will find relief.

Unyielding faith in HaShem is the key to our personal redemption. In addition, our pure trust in HaShem awakens the redemption of all Klal Yisrael. 

Reflect upon and repeat today's verse. Envision your trust in HaShem growing stronger and stronger, and see all of your troubles fade away. Envision all of Klal Yisrael trusting in HaShem and awaken the merit to bring our final redemption. 

(Based on the commentary of the RaMad Valli to Tehillim)


May the souls who left this world be remembered for a blessing.

R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Mordecai ben Rav Moshe and Rebbitzen Mazel Malka bas Sara

Meira Leah bas Michael

Basha Elka bas Moshe HaCohen

Devorah bas Moshe

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Yisrael ben HaRav HaGaon Zev Wolf

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Moshe ben HaRav HaGaon Yacov

Moshe Fisher

HaRav HaGaon Daniel Zvi ben Avraham Chanuch

HaRav HaGaon BZF

R' Maair Ben R' Yakutiel and Javayeer z"tl

Refuah Shleimah

Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta

Zivia bas Raizel

Tzvi ben Chana

Avner Shimon ben Argamon

Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana

Chava Bas Michal Chanah

Nuna bas Nuna

Yakir Efraim Ben Rachel Devora

Chaya Leah bas Sara

Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha

Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzipora

Shmuel Ben Navat

Chanah Tauba bat Tzilah.

Daniella bat Sarah

Rise bat Faiga

US 305 653 1182
Israel 058 429 8471

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quarta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2024

SF - SF - The Empowerment of Self-Esteem

"Beloved is man, for he is created in the Image of HaShem. HaShem revealed an additional dimension of love for man by making known to man that he is created in the Image of HaShem" (Avot 3:14).

The more a person recognizes his self-worth, the more he values life, and the more he strives to elevate himself, as well as his entire life experience. Amongst His myriad creations, HaShem chose to instill His Divine spark in humankind alone. Before we exisited, we had no merits or special favor. In His pure kindness, HaShem gifted us with a holy soul that He formed in His Image. The more we fathom the infinite goodness of HaShem, the more we understand our inherent goodness and favor in the eyes of HaShem. 

The ultimate sense of self-esteem is the awareness that HaShem creates us in His Image and loves our very essence.

Contemplate on the teaching, "Beloved is man, for he is created in the Image of HaShem. HaShem revealed an additional dimension of love for man by making known to man that he is created in the Image of HaShem." Reflect on the infinite compassion of HaShem, the Creator of heaven and earth. Rejoice in knowing that HaShem created you in His likeness, and that you are always beloved and most precious to Him.

(Based on the commentary of the Saba M'Slabodka, Ohr HaZafon)


May the souls who left this world be remembered for a blessing.

R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Mordecai ben Rav Moshe and Rebbitzen Mazel Malka bas Sara

Meira Leah bas Michael

Basha Elka bas Moshe HaCohen

Devorah bas Moshe

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Yisrael ben HaRav HaGaon Zev Wolf

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Moshe ben HaRav HaGaon Yacov

Moshe Fisher

HaRav HaGaon Daniel Zvi ben Avraham Chanuch

HaRav HaGaon BZF

R' Maair Ben R' Yakutiel and Javayeer z"tl

Refuah Shleimah

Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta

Zivia bas Raizel

Tzvi ben Chana

Avner Shimon ben Argamon

Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana

Chava Bas Michal Chanah

Nuna bas Nuna

Yakir Efraim Ben Rachel Devora

Chaya Leah bas Sara

Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha

Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzipora

Shmuel Ben Navat

Chanah Tauba bat Tzilah.

Daniella bat Sarah

Rise bat Faiga

US 305 653 1182
Israel 058 429 8471

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terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2024

"Um Presente Que Todos Gostam" + "Elul Está Chegando" -------> Shabat Shalom: REE (31 de agosto)


Meór HaShabat Semanal 

Perspectivas para a Vida, Ideias para o Crescimento Pessoal







  Bom dia,  !


      Eis as novidades desta edição do Meor Hashabat Semanal:


   -   Elul Está Chegando - 2a Feira ao Entardecer

   -   Um Presente Que Todos Gostam

   -   Gostaria de Coletar Ouro? 


                                                                   Horário de Acender Velas SHABAT (30 de agosto):


S. Paulo: 17:35 h   Rio de Janeiro 17:22  Recife 16:58   Porto Alegre 17:49  Salvador 17:09   Curitiba 17:44

B. Horizonte 17:27  Belém 17:56   Brasília 17:45  Jerusalém 18:25  Tel Aviv 18:47  Miami 19:21  Nova York 19:10





Shabat Shalom a todos !



Esta edição é dedicada em memória dos que faleceram no ataque terrorista a Israel, 

ao pronto restabelecimento dos feridos e à libertação dos que estão em cativeiro em Gaza


 e à pronta recuperação de Shimon ben Haia Sara, Haim Avraham Tzvi ben Golda, Rebe Moshe ben Reizel, Rabino Shemariahu Yossef Nissim ben Batia e Rabino Matitiahu Haim ben Etl

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