D'var Torah: "In the beginning HaShem created heaven and earth." A wise man asked, Creation marks the beginning of the universe. If so, why did the verse write "In the beginning"? Surely, the beginning of the universe is implied in the concept that "HaShem created heaven and earth"? This question suggests that we render an alternative interpretation of the verse. The first word of the Torah, bereichis, could also be translated as "With beginnings." Meaning, "With beginnings HaShem created heaven and earth." HaShem knew that since He gives man free choice to decide between good and bad, man will often fall. Therefore, HaShem wove into the very fabric of existence the opportunity to always begin anew. In this light, "With beginnings HaShem created heaven and earth."
Moral: HaShem, our kind and compassionate Creator, knows the great tests that face man, the very battle between the body and the soul. Therefore, HaShem grants endless opportunities to improve our ways by starting anew. Indeed, endless "beginnings" is the very foundation of all creation.
Application: Always make your best effort to do good. If you fall short of doing the right thing, remind yourself that it is human to err. Reflect on the idea that HaShem created the world with countless opportunities to begin again. Have compassion on yourself. Refresh your efforts to do good and bring a little more light to the world.