
quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2020

A Purgatory Story, Short Film, Review And Interview

A Purgatory Story is a simple tale of a long-distance relationship, this one just has a little more distance to cover.

This is a wonderfully told short. Anyone who enjoys romantic comedies will enjoy this.

A Purgatory Story was screened at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It was nominated for Best Fantasy Short. Tom Albanese and Joey Long won for Best Screenplay for a Short Film.

Synopsis: A demon stuck with Ouija board duty falls for a girl on the other side.

Tom Albanese also directed A Purgatory Story. Here he talks about the inspiration for the film, for him doing films, and a few more insights about himself.

What was the inspiration for A Purgatory Story?

I like romantic comedies—particularly those that don't have an expected happy ending. Combining a story with that aspect and throwing in a demon at a Ouija board and his crush who's alive seemed like a fun idea. The ultimate long-distance relationship challenge.

What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?

I have a film called Last Dream Before Sunrise that began its festival run last month at Flickers' Rhode Island. It's a fantasy drama and I'm very excited to start sharing it. I'm also in post on a gothic horror short film that also stars Joana Metrass, who plays 'Claire' in Purgatory. Things are getting moody. 

What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?

I made mystery films with my sister and our cousins every time we'd get together growing up with titles like Murder X, Days of Awakening, The Forest of Death. I'm not sure what kind of childhood trauma we were trying to get out with those movies, but they were so much fun to make! Didn't get into any festivals though. Yet.

What would be your dream project?

I think everyone has THE project or idea that they ultimately want to do, but it usually costs a ton of money. I have two that I'm working towards—proving myself as a filmmaker first! The stories I'm telling now contain aspects of them. It's also fun trying things out on a smaller scale before moving to a bigger stage. I'll also happily write and direct a Star Wars movie, a Bioshock adaptation, and reboot Tomb Raider but lose the origin story, make it fun and put Charles Dance in it. Putting all those out there. 

What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?

When not working on a movie I'm probably watching movies and reading about them. Currently making my way through Alfred Hitchcock's less heralded films. I'm super into gothic fiction right now so reading Edgar Allen Poe's short stories. Otherwise figuring out how the Buffalo Bills can win ten games this year. Definitely for sure not ever scrolling through Instagram mindlessly, no way.

What is one of your favorite movies and why?

The Prestigeis so good. There's so much I love about it, but particularly the way it intertwines the science-fiction and fantasy into a Victorian-era period piece is right up my alley. Can't say enough about that movie and its atmosphere. Could watch it every day. 

You can find out more about A Purgatory Story on IMDb (link).

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