
segunda-feira, 3 de agosto de 2020

SF - The Secret of Education \ Ben Ish Hai

Dedicated Lilui Nishmat R' Maair Ben R' Yakutiel and Javayeer Z"tl

The Secret of Education \ Ben Ish Hai

Once a Torah scholar found favor in the eyes of the king. Indeed, the king appointed him as second-in-command of the kingdom. Under the sage's brilliant leadership, the nation became the wealthiest and most powerful kingship in the region. He was beloved by all the citizens of the country.

However, there was a tailor who was consumed with jealousy over the Rabbi's honor. One day the king and the sage traveled through the market place in the royal carriage. When they passed the tailor's shop, he belted out a rowdy song that mocked the Jewish people.

The king was outraged. He turned to the sage and said, "Give the order to have this man's tongue cut out of his mouth!" Inexplicably, the sage went to the tailor's house and gave him a gift of two thousand gold coins.

The following week the king and Rabbi passed the tailor's shop. The tailor greeted them with a rousing sound that praised the Jews and the sage. The king was perturbed, "Didn't I tell you to have his tongue cut out?"

"Your majesty," said the Rabbi to the king, "I did as you ordered. I removed his old nasty tongue and replaced with a new one that issues praises and sweet songs."

The king laughed with delight at the cleverness of the sage. "Nevertheless," said the king, "I would have preferred that you carry out my command."

"I acted on behalf of your honor. If I would have ordered his tongue to be cut out, people would have said, 'Everything the tailor said about the Jew is true. The king only punished him to defend the honor of his friend.' Now that I gave him a handsome gift, he praises the Jews. When people hear him now, they will realize his first song was slander."

The secret of education is embedded in this story. It is one thing to be a strict disciplinarian, and quite another to transform a child to be a different person. May HaShem bless us with the wisdom to help others change in the most positive ways.
(Based on Moshol V'Nimshol)
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R' Maair Ben R' Yakutiel and Javayeer z"tl 
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