The 17 of Iyar, is the date when HaShem began to provide Manna for Klal Yisrael in the desert. The Manna, was made of the spiritual food that sustains the angels. It was actually a reflection of the holy Shechinah, the Light of HaShem. What's more, the spiritual splendor of the Manna emanates with the same light that we will receive in the World to Come. In summation, Klal Yisrael, while in the desert, partook of the very spiritual light and joy of the eternal Garden of Eden.
The knowledge that the Manna emanated from the very Light of the Shechinah, inspires us to fill our lives with goodness, so that we will merit our share in the eternal joy of the Garden of Eden.
Envision yourself eating Manna along with Moshe and the generation that came out of Egypt. As you partake of the Manna sense your body attaining holiness and your soul enjoying the holy Light of the Shechinah. Be inspired to do a special Mitzvah today and bring yourself closer to the eternal light and joy of Gan Eden.
(Based on the writings of the Saba Kadisha M'Kelm)"Then Moshe and the Children of Israel sang this song to HaShem. I will sing to HaShem for He is highly exalted, horse and rider He cast into the sea" (Shemot 15:1). After the miraculous splitting of the Red Sea, Moshe and Klal Yisrael, were moved to sing a beautiful song of joyous thanksgiving and praise to HaShem. Even the nursing infants and the babies in the womb sang jubilantly to HaShem. What was the factor that so elevated the entire nation to join in spontaneous song? HaShem revealed Himself so clearly at the sea that the awe of HaShem's majesty and wonderful goodness filled their hearts with perfect faith. This elevated state of consciousness uplifted them to a state of prophecy, inspiring them to sing so joyfully to HaShem.
HaShem's miraculous parting of the sea was accompanied with the gift of prophecy which awakened in the hearts of the entire Klal Yisrael. Their clear awareness of the great kindness of HaShem, His awesome majesty and holiness, imbued the Children of Israel with perfect faith in HaShem, inspiring them with spiritual elevation and joyous song.
Envision yourself standing at the shore of the Red Sea. The deep waters before you and the Egyptians charging from behind. Suddenly, the sea parts before you, making a passageway for your escape. You and the entire nation walk across the dry sea bed. The Egyptian pursuers are drowned in the sea. Sense the awesome holiness and wonderful goodness of HaShem surround you, filling your heart with perfect faith and incomparable happiness. Join Klal Yisrael in a joyful, prophetic song of thanksgiving and praise to HaShem.
(Based on the commentary of the Ohr HaChaim to the Torah)