The Torah teaches the laws of the Mishkan five times. Our Sages tell us that this repetition is an expression of HaShem's love for Klal Yisrael. This is likened to a parable: A king sent his son to study with a master educator. When the king came to check on his son's progress he asked the teacher, "Is my son eating properly? Sleeping? Attending the classes?" Surprisingly he did not ask the main question, "Is my son advancing in his studies?" Since the king selected a master educator, he was certain that he was receiving the finest education. Therefore, it was only necessary for the king to inquire if his son was taking care on his personal needs. Just as the king was concerned that his son attend to his personal needs so that he would have the opportunity to benefit from the efforts of his master teacher, so too, HaShem reminded Klal Yisrael five times to build the Mishkan so that they would merit to enjoy the delights of the Shechinah. If Klal Yisrael will only fulfill the HaShem's request to build the Mishkan, then HaShem's Presence will absolutely and unquestionably fill the Mishkan. As a result, Klal Yisrael will receive and rejoice in the ultimate pleasure of experiencing closeness to HaShem.
In HaShem's abundant love for Klal Yisrael, He repeatedly urges us to build the Mishkan, so that the Shechinah will dwell amongst us. If we do our small part, HaShem will certainly reveal His splendorous light to the Jewish people.
Contemplate that each Mitzvah that you perform is a formula that yields supreme spiritual wealth. All that is required of us is to prepare and purify ourselves to receive His light through Torah and Mitzvot. If we strengthen ourselves in this, HaShem in His great love, will bless us and elevate us in the most wondrous of ways.
(Based Ohr RaShaz of the Saba M'Kelm)
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Rabbi Yisrael Salanter said, "Whoever encourages others to study Mussar will merit great compassion from HaShem."
Tizke L'Mitzvot!
Rabbi Zvi Miller