
terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2015

SF - The Advantage of Silence

The Advantage of Silence

"Raban Shimon ben Gamliel said: All my life I grew up amongst the Sages and I found nothing better for oneself than silence." (Avos 1:17)

Lesson: From his youth and even after he become the Nasi (the Chief Rabbi), Raban Shimon ben Gamliel, always humbled himself before the Sages. Rather than asserting his opinion, he wisely listened to the Sages. His "silence" availed him to absorb the counsel of the elders, granting him the light of truth. 

App: Practice silence in order to gain the enlightening guidance of Rabbis and advisors -- and find success in all of your endeavors.

(Based on the commentary of Ruach HaChaim to Pirkei Avos)

L'iluye Nishamos Rav Yochanon Mordecai ben  Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph
Dedicated to Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta for Refuah Sheleimah

Salant Foundation | 1330 NE 172 St. | North Miami Beach | FL | 33162

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