"I am the Lo-rd Your G-d, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." The first of the Ten Commandments is a statement of fact that HaShem exists. Since it does not charge us with a specific directive, like, "You shall believe in HaShem," how do we fulfill this commandment? In contrast to all the other Mitzvot, the First Commandment is not dependent on our free choice. For instance, the fulfillment of the Mitzvah to observe Shabbat is dependent on man's free choice to either comply or defy the Mitzvah. However, the truth of HaShem's existence, His Almighty power, and His dedication to the People of Israel, is not dependent upon our compliance with the Mitzvah to believe in HaShem.
HaShem, the Creator of the universe, Who brought us out of the land of Egypt, exists eternally, independent of our belief in Him.
Reflect on the verse, "I am the Lo-rd Your G-d, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." Strengthen your belief and faith in HaShem, the Go-d of Israel. Sharpen your awareness that HaShem, the Creator of heaven and earth, exists eternally, regardless of our belief.
(Based on Tiferes Yisrael of the Maharal M'Prague)