The highest part of our prayer service is the recitation of the prophetic verse, "Holy, Holy, Holy is HaShem, the whole world is full of His Glory." The three time repetition of "Holy" conveys that the Holiness of HaShem permeates - and is the true essence - of creation.
The physical world is a veil that covers over the Divine Presence. Meaning, that HaShem established His kingdom over all creation. Therefore, the spiritual dimension, i.e., the Holiness of HaShem, is present within all creation.
Accordingly, when we praise the Holiness of HaShem, we are not merely acknowledging the He has the attribute of Holiness. Rather, we are verifying that His Holiness is a reality amongst us. That is, all life emanates from the Holiness of HaShem.
Since the Holiness of HaShem is the cause of all creation, the laws of nature are subject to the Divine Will. Therefore, there are no boundaries or limitations in the material world. Just as HaShem reversed the laws of nature in the Exodus from Egypt, so too, His rule supersedes every physical entity.
This profound idea sheds light on the episode in the Torah when HaShem told Moshe to "speak to the rock." That is, HaShem intended that through Moshe words, water would flow from the rock to give drink to the Nation. However, instead of speaking, Moshe hit the rock with his staff. The water emerged even though Moshe deviated from HaShem's instructions.
Nevertheless, HaShem held Moshe accountable because "he did not sanctify the Name of HaShem." Meaning, when Moshe struck the rock, it gave the impression that he had to hit the rock in order to force it to discharge the water. Of the course, this is false because no creation can fail to comply with HaShem's will.
[Based on Da'as Torah of Rav Yerucham of Mir]