Discover a joyful and uplifting path to Repentance!
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The Joy of Repentance\Guilt-Free
Based on Tomer Devorah by the Holy Ramak
Authored and Published by the Salant Foundation
Distributed by Feldheim
The Practical Methodology of Performing Repentance.
[For step by step guide send email to or go to link]
1. Joyfully Trust in God’s infinite compassion and intend to transform yourself to pure goodness by ascending to your holy root implanted in Binah (Divine Enlightenment), “for all bitterness is sweet in its Exalted root.” Keep in mind that your Trust in the Eternal’s infinite compassion and your intentions to elevate to your sweet root is the impetus that initiates the wonders of Teshuvah Elyonah.
2. Visualize your soul ascending away from the body, assisted by the freeing power of the Secret of the Jubilee. See your soul soaring above the earth, past the sun and the stars, hurling like a laser-beam until it penetrates the Heavens and reaches its source, rooted in the holy dimension of Binah, incandescent with Exalted Light. Experience the Holy Light of Binah and see yourself transform to pure goodness.
3. Joyfully envision uniting with the intrinsic goodness and purity manifest in your soul’s holy root. Integrate particular virtues in your heart, such as: love and reverence for God; holiness and wisdom; and positive character traits, such as trust, joy, compassion, generosity of spirit, humility, friendliness, modesty, and unconditional love for your fellows.
4. Imagine yourself transforming into an entity of pure goodness, holiness and truth, emulating the attributes of our Patriarchs, Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaacov. Your past inappropriate actions ascend with you and transmute into good deeds. The Accusing Forces “make themselves good and implant themselves within holiness.” Purify your Negative Impulse and gather it into goodness and implant yourself in Holiness. Envision the release of the Holy Shechinah (Divine Presence) from the dungeon of our exile and rejoice in the splendorous revelation of the Divine Light — the Fifty Gates of Binah.
5. After fulfilling the above steps to the best of your ability, visualize that your effort to attain Teshuvah Elyonah awakens Binah’s incandescent Light to illuminate “all of your days.” Then all your days will be renewed and filled with Binah’s infinite compassion, holiness, and joy. Live a life of Sanctity, Torah study, Mitzvah observance, Loving Kindness, and closeness to God, as King David proclaimed, “For me closeness to the Almighty is my good.”
May it be the Will of the Holy One that all of the People of Israel will merit to fulfill the Mitzvah of Teshuvah Elyonah swiftly in our days, and the Radiance of Binah will fill the entire world. Amen!
~ לדוד אליך השם נפשי אשא ~