Discover a joyful and uplifting path to Repentance!
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The Joy of Repentance\Guilt-Free
Based on Tomer Devorah by the Holy Ramak
Authored and Published by the Salant Foundation
Distributed by Feldheim
The Holy One, Blessed Be He Preserves the Sanctity of our Souls
Axiomatic to our understanding of Teshuvah Elyonah (Exalted Repentance) is the Ramak’s revelation that through the agency of Binah (Divine Enlightenment), one of the Ten Realms of Divine Lights, the Holy One, Blessed Be He forever preserves the sanctity of our souls’ holy roots. As we know, Binah is the aspect of Emah Elyonah — the “Exalted Mother” — Who loves Her child unconditionally and always recognizes his intrinsic goodness. So too, a child feels pleasantness when in his Mother’s presence because she loves him.
Just as a child can always rely on the unconditional love of his parents, so too, we can always rely on the Holy One’s unconditional love for us. His love for us is expressed through His preserving the sanctity and goodness of our souls’ holy root in the Sefira (One of the Ten Divine Lights) of Binah.
What’s more, at any given moment, regardless of one’s present spiritual state, the Eternal One graces us with the opportunity to transform ourselves to pure goodness. This is attained by elevating and attaching ourselves to our holy root and implanting ourselves firmly within the spiritual realms!
Indeed, Teshuvah Elyonah awakens the holy Sefirot (System of Divine Lights) to illuminate man with their purifying light! Just as the Radiance of Binah transmutes Divine Judgment to Compassion, so too, Teshuvah Elyonah transmutes the negative aspects of man into Holiness, Goodness, and Light!
Engaging in Teshuvah Elyonah begins with a person’s free-will decision to ascend to the root of his holy soul. This intention stimulates a wondrous process that culminates with him connecting to his pure essence. In the wake of man’s sanctifying himself through Teshuvah Elyonah, his former misdeeds are transformed into meritorious acts. In the upcoming pages we will clarify how, through the process of Teshuvah Elyonah, man elevates himself to his holy root and prompts the light of Binah to cast its splendor upon “all the days of his life.”
Man Is Like the Tree of the Field
The verse (Bamidbar 20:19) states, “Man is like the tree of the field.” Our Patriarchs and Matriarchs devoted all their energy to plant the strong and everlasting roots in our hearts of our Holy faith and trust in the Almighty. They successfully sanctified and illuminated the physical darkness of the body. All the winds in the world cannot uproot our trust from its place because our holy ancestors planted the roots of our faith like a permanent fortress that is unconquerable. It can withstand cracks in the foundation and quickly repair itself because the foundations are so strong and dynamic (Based on the writings of Rabbi Yerucham Levovits).
The Midrash Tanchumah states (Bamidbar 23:9), “I [i.e., God] look at their origins and the beginning of their roots, and I see them established and powerful, like these mountains and hills because of their Patriarchs and Matriarchs” (Cited by Rashi’s18 commentary).
Connecting to Our Holy Roots
The Zohar (Terumah 165a) states: “Rabbi Yose teaches: One who ascends to the Divine Light of Binah must do so with joy, and with no anguish or sadness whatsoever.” Four complimentary reasons combine to spark this lofty level of joy:
First is the joyful awareness that the Merciful Creator will unequivocally accept our Teshuvah (Repentance) in His unbounded compassion! This is especially true concerning Man’s performance of Teshuvah Elyonah, through which man elevates himself to his holy root implanted in the Realm of Binah!
Second, the joy of knowing that our Merciful Father forever safeguards the sanctity of our soul’s holy roots within the Divine Light of Binah.
Third, the joy of knowing that it is possible to purify ourselves from the illusory defilements of this world and its earthly desires, which seem so bright and alluring at first, but which serve only to blacken and coarsen the soul.
Fourth, joy in the awareness that through Teshuvah Elyonah and the Secret of the Jubilee, the Holy One, Blessed Be He grants us the golden opportunity to access and unite with our holy root and transform our nature back into the pure goodness from whence it sprang.
Summary: The Almighty Preserves the Sanctity of Our Souls.