Boundless Blessings \ Day 1 \ 30 Days to Teshuvah
There is no enterprise that yields profit like preparation for the Day of Atonement. Through Mussar study and reflecting on how to improve our ways, we are inspired on Yom Kippur to make resolutions for the future. Even the smallest, most minute preparation to enhance our Yom Kippur experience is invaluable, bringing boundless blessings of success. It saves us from many troubles -- and there is no greater profit than this.
(Ohr Yisrael, Letter Seven)
What is Mussar and what does it have to do with our preparation for Yom Kippur?
Mussar is the systematized collection of the ethical teachings of the Torah. The principles of Mussar are drawn from the Chumash, the Prophets, the works of King David and King Solomon, the Talmud, the Midrash, and the Zohar.
These books were written by great men, righteous Torah Sages, for the purpose of helping the People of Israel understand and internalize the meaning and the ways of Avodat HaShem (Service of HaShem).
Rabbi Yisrael Salanter (1810-1883), of blessed memory, dedicated his life to teaching Klal Yisrael the importance of Mussar study and the imperative of setting daily times to do so. He developed a methodology which could be practiced successfully by every person.
May the light of Rav Yisrael's wisdom lead us to a meaningful, uplifting, and successful Ten Days of Repentance.
Tip: Try your best to complete Thirty Days to Teshuvah!