"Clarification" \ Day 20 \ 30 Days to Teshuvah
"Mussar study is founded upon and begins as a clarification and arousal of a particular feeling. Just as in the realm of intellectual endeavor, where each session of "clarification learning" makes an impression on the subconscious, the emotions aroused through Mussar study make an impression on the subconscious as well. A learned skill can be made second nature only through an initial conscious effort.
Ultimately, the conscious effort engenders a "reflex" knowledge. Over time, this emotion will take root and become a live force."
(Ohr Yisrael, Letter Six).
How can emotional arousal through subconscious impressions change my nature?
This idea is similar to creating an "app." The "app" operates according to the instructions that you write into it. So too, each concept of Mussar that you learn makes a subconscious impression. Eventually, the imprints gather together until the subconscious powers follow the "instructions" of the imprint.
For example, Aaron wants to fulfill a major principle of the Torah: "Love your friend like you love yourself" (Vayikra 19:18). He begins to study Mussar resources that are related to the Torah's teachings regarding "love." He might study how Avraham Avinu welcomed guests into his home. As Aaron reads, he is consciously inspired by Avraham's love and kindness. With conscious arousal, an imprint of love and kindness is awakened in his subconscious. The powerful subconscious impressions will join together and fill Aaron's heart with love and kindness for other people.
The study of Mussar with emotional arousal is similar to listening to music. Just as the notes evoke a mood, the topic of Mussar that he is focused on creates a particular feeling in his subconscious. Ultimately, the incremental impressions unify and emerge as a live force that transforms one's conduct and character to good.
Tip -- When studying Mussar, open your heart and let your emotions be aroused and awakened.