Elul Is A Time to Awaken Our Soul \ Introduction \ 30 Days to Teshuvah
The Talmud (Brachot 3b) tells us, "A harp was hanging over King David's bed. At midnight a north wind came and blew upon it and it played a melody. King David arose immediately and studied Torah until the break of dawn. Which verse teaches this? 'Awake my soul, awake lyre and harp; I will awaken the dawn'" (Tehillim 57:9).
The word awake appears three times in this verse corresponding to the three types of spiritual awakening. They are:
- A person awakens himself.
- A person uses another entity to awaken himself.
- A person awakens another person or entity.
King David, may peace be upon him, awakened himself to study Torah from dusk till midnight -- "Awake my soul." At midnight, the harp awakened him to rise as a lion -- "Awake lyre and harp." Then King David awakened the morning -- "I will awaken the dawn."
King David's fervent study of Torah throughout the night was powered by all three types of awakening, each one strengthening the next.
We understand from this passage that to serve HaShem we must be spiritually awake.
The month of Elul precedes the holy days of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, This month was designated by our Sages as a time for preparation, a time to awaken ourselves for the upcoming Days of Awe.
Rabbi Yisrael Salanter, of blessed memory, the founder of the Mussar Movement, teaches us that Mussar study is the primary way to stimulate our hearts to perform Teshuvah.
"Thirty Days to Teshuvah" was designed to guide you step-by-step to effectively prepare and merit abundant blessings on these Holy Days.
May HaShem bless you to awaken your heart. May the collective repentance of Klal Yisrael awaken compassion in Heaven so that we may merit the final redemption, soon and within our days.
Tip -- Read each section aloud, with feeling, and take time to absorb the profound concepts.
(Based on the commentary of the M'harsha) ______________________________________________________