All of us want to believe in HaShem with absolute trust and faith, just as King David had when he bravely battled Goliath. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we know that when things get tough, our faith is just not as strong as it should be. What causes such a discrepancy between the great faith we want to have, and our actual faltering faith? In one word, the answer is our "ego." The ego that is a rock solid part of human nature wants us to take all the credit for all of our accomplishments, big and small. How do we overcome the ego and learn to really put our trust in HaShem, alone? The answer is the "Exodus from Egypt!" By actively reflecting on the miraculous Yetziat Mitzrayim and our miraculous existence for forty years in the blazing desert with no food, water, or shelter - we begin to recognize the power and presence of HaShem. The more we reflect on the Exodus from Egypt, the stronger and more resilient our faith and trust in HaShem will be.
Contemplation of the open miracles of the Exodus helps us to instill the truth of HaShem's existence in our hearts. Once we internalize the truth of the great miracles that HaShem performed for us in the Yetziat Mitzrayim, we will realize that every second of life and everything that occurs are hidden miracles of HaShem.
Review the story of the Exodus on daily basis. Reflect on Moshe, the Ten Plagues, the Splitting of the Red Sea, receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai, the Manna, Miriam's well, the Clouds of Glory, and Klal Yisrael's conquest of the Land of Israel. Reflect that your life is a miracle, your family is a miracle, your livelihood is a miracle, your food is a miracle, your health is a miracle, every movement that you make with your body is a miracle, etc. Contemplate regularly on these ideas so that they are firmly rooted in your heart. Ultimately your trust in HaShem will grow stronger each and every day.
(Based on Ohr Yechezkel)