The ultimate pleasure and fulfillment of the human experience is closeness to HaShem, as King David said (Tehillim 73:28): "And as for me, closeness to HaShem is my good."
In this light, the Torah reveals that every human being has the opportunity to draw close to HaShem. As we find in the verse (Vayikra 11:44): "For I am HaShem your G-d - you are to sanctify yourselves and you shall be holy, for I am holy." That is: Just as I am holy - and I am your G-d - therefore, sanctify yourselves (Rashi).
The phrase, "For I am HaShem your G-d," has a profound meaning. Specifically, the message to us is, "you" are intimately connected to HaShem, i.e., "your G-d." We are powerfully and completely attached to HaShem through our precious and holy soul - our very life.
However, since HaShem is holy, we must be holy in order to remain attached to Him. Therefore, the more we increase our holiness, the greater our grasp on life. It is as if HaShem says to us, "You have a holy soul. Therefore, strengthen your holiness so that your soul remains within you."
HaShem, Himself, pleads with us to sanctify ourselves so that we remain alive and connected to Him. Once, we understand His great love for us; we will embrace the holy Torah and Mitzvoth and sanctify ourselves. In turn, HaShem will bless us with life, joy, and peace. Perform a Mitzvah and strengthen your connection to HaShem.
[Based on Da'as Torah of Rav Yerucham HaLevi]