“For HaShem Delights In Kindness” (Micha 7).
There is nothing more beloved to HaShem than acts of loving kindness. HaShem experiences great pleasure, when He sees the good deeds of mankind.
In His infinite mercy, the Holy One, Blessed be He, created a spiritual “safety net” to ensure the continuity of our existence. HaShem assembled a “Palace of Kindness” in Heaven that is occupied by Angels. Whenever a person performs an act of kindness, the Angels store away the kindness in the Palace. Each act of kindness is like a precious jewel in a treasure chest. There are countless “diamonds,” “rubies,” and “emeralds” of kindness collected in this Palace.
When the attribute of judgement is awakened, the Angels quickly show HaShem the sparkling acts of kindness. HaShem is so moved by the beauty of these deeds of loving-kindness that he annuls the judgement because “HaShem Delights In Kindness!”
We can apply this same attribute of “focusing on the positive” in our interpersonal connections. In the sensitive realm of personal relationships, it is human nature to fixate on “past offenses.”
Let us be inspired by HaShem and accustom ourselves to concentrate on the good attributes and deeds of the person, instead of dwelling on his negative side. Make every effort to be appeased of past hurts, and focus on the good aspects and deeds of the person. Reflect on an act of kindness that he did for you or others, consider his good traits, and move your heart to see him in a positive light.
Emulate HaShem’s wonderful attribute “For HaShem Delights In Kindness” and view your friend with graciousness, compassion, and love.
(Based on Tomer Devorah, Chapter One)