
segunda-feira, 6 de março de 2023

SF - How Mordecai Overcame Haman

After Haman smugly prepared the tree to hang Mordecai, he went to see how Mordecai was preparing to die. Haman found Mordecai in the Beit Midrash teaching Torah to twenty-two thousand young children, who were fasting and wearing sackcloth. Haman put the children in chains and declared, "Tomorrow I will kill these children first and then I will hang Mordecai." Their good mothers brought the children bread and water. The children swore they would not eat, they chose to go to their death while fasting. The righteous children returned to their study of Torah while weeping and crying. The wailing of the holy youngsters ascended to Heaven and the evil decree was annulled.

Even in the most trying moments we need to trust in HaShem and His deliverance. If we maintain the presence of mind to study Torah and pray, HaShem will always redeem us.

Gather your composure to set aside your hardships so that you can study Torah and pray to HaShem. Your trust in HaShem and your heartfelt efforts to improve your ways, will surely awaken HaShem's mercy and He will free you from all of your troubles!
(Based on Lev Eliyahu of Rav Eliyahu Lopian)
עצת חיים\Life Advice

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May the souls who left this world be remembered for a blessing.
R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph
HaRav HaGaon Rebe Mordecai ben Rav Moshe
Meira Leah bas Michael
Basha Elka bas Moshe HaCohen
R' Maair Ben R' Yakutiel and Javayeer z"tl 
HaRav HaGaon Rebe Yisrael ben HaRav HaGaon Zev Wolf
HaRav HaGaon Rebe Moshe ben HaRav HaGaon Yacov
Moshe Fisher
HaRav HaGaon Daniel Zvi ben Avraham Chanuch
HaRav HaGaon BZF

Refuah Shleimah
Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta
Zivia bas Raizel
Tzvi ben Chana
Dovid Shlomo ben Chaya Devorah

Avner Shimon ben Argamon
Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana
Chava Bas Michal Chanah
Mazal Malkah Mollie Bas Sarah
Nuna bas Nuna
droppable-1672769271537Yakir Efraim Ben Rachel Devora
Chaya Leah bas Sara
Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha
Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzipora
Shmuel Ben Navat
Chanah Tauba bat Tzilah.
Daniella bat Sarah
Rise bat Faiga

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