
quinta-feira, 9 de março de 2023

SF - Why Did Two Projections of Light Emanate From Moshes Face?

"And when Moshe descended from Mount Sinai with the two Tablets of Testimony...Moshe did not know that rays of light projected from his face, from when he spoke with him." (Shemot 34:30). What factor caused Moshe to shine with the light of the sun? When HaShem taught Moshe Torah on Mount Sinai, sparks of light flashed from the Shechinah and illuminated his face. Yet, how could it be that Moshe was not aware of the great light beaming from his countenance? Moshe Rabenu's heart was filled with the intense, incomparable joy of coming close to HaShem and learning the holy Torah. The light that projected from Moshe's face was an external reflection that revealed his inner exuberance. The real expression of Moshe Rabenu's light was the unbounded levels of joy that he experienced in his heart.

Torah study and coming close to HaShem offers us infinite levels of spiritual joy. The primary goal of our mission is to take advantage of the opportunity to grasp the joy of Torah and closeness to HaShem, that is available to everyone who engages in its study.

Envision Moshe Rabenu's countenance shining like the light of the sun. Consider that the light upon his countenance reflects his unbounded inner joy of receiving the Torah from HaShem. When you study Torah enjoy the words, delight in the concepts, and take pleasure in coming closer to HaShem. 
(Based on the Midrash Tanchumah)
עצת חיים\Life Advice

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May the souls who left this world be remembered for a blessing.
R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph
HaRav HaGaon Rebe Mordecai ben Rav Moshe
Meira Leah bas Michael
Basha Elka bas Moshe HaCohen
R' Maair Ben R' Yakutiel and Javayeer z"tl 
HaRav HaGaon Rebe Yisrael ben HaRav HaGaon Zev Wolf
HaRav HaGaon Rebe Moshe ben HaRav HaGaon Yacov
Moshe Fisher
HaRav HaGaon Daniel Zvi ben Avraham Chanuch
HaRav HaGaon BZF

Refuah Shleimah
Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta
Zivia bas Raizel
Tzvi ben Chana
Dovid Shlomo ben Chaya Devorah

Avner Shimon ben Argamon
Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana
Chava Bas Michal Chanah
Mazal Malkah Mollie Bas Sarah
Nuna bas Nuna
droppable-1672769271537Yakir Efraim Ben Rachel Devora
Chaya Leah bas Sara
Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha
Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzipora
Shmuel Ben Navat
Chanah Tauba bat Tzilah.
Daniella bat Sarah
Rise bat Faiga

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