Rosh Chodesh Nissan, ushers in the spring, the season in which the spiritual and material worlds pulsate with renewal. The blossoming of the tress and the greening of the earth reflects the power of revitalization, which is awakened by the spiritual worlds. The festival of Pesach takes place at this time, giving each of us the opportunity to tap into this energy and spiritually revitalize ourselves. The entire month of Nissan -- with the great light of Pesach in the middle -- is permeated with holiness. It recharges our spiritual batteries so that we can dedicate our minds, actions, and body to serve HaShem.
Take advantage of HaShem's closeness to you during Nissan. Engage the totality of your being in the Mitzvos of Pesach and enhance and elevate your service of Hashem to a higher level.
(Based on Mishnayos L'HaRamchal)