The Path to Redemption and Prosperity
"Happy is the one whose help is in the G-d of Yaacov, his hope is in HaShem, his G-d" (Tehillim146:5). Although Yaacov Avinu fell into impoverishment, HaShem ultimately granted him great wealth and saved him from the deceptions of Lavan. So too, HaShem will ultimately grant redemption and prosperity to every tzadik who trusts in Him exclusively.
Lesson: When a person trusts solely in HaShem for his livelihood and not in any man, HaShem provides all of his needs. If he endures hardship in order to serve HaShem, it is absolutely certain that HaShem will save him from all of his troubles.
App: Repeat the above verse with the intention to internalize its lesson and place your trust unequivocally in HaShem. (Based on the commentary of RaMad Valli to Tehillim)