Chaya Raisel bat Dena is in a coma since before Shavuot. She needs our prayers! She is 31 and a mother of 3 year old twins. Click Here for Tehillim Link
Formula for Divine Protection There is a method of reflection that brings us under the protective wings of the Shechinah (Divine Presence). This process is activated by contemplating on the following concepts: HaShem is the true Master of the universe. There is no power on earth or in the higher worlds, other than HaShem. may He be blessed. His Oneness fills the all worlds of existence. After engaging on this contemplation, have the intention to absolutely dismiss all negative influence in your life. Focus on the pure thoughts of the Oneness of HaShem, may He blessed. Lesson: When we trust HaShem with our full hearts, He will provide all of our needs and all the negative powers will be subdued. Visualization: As you review this holy formula, see your heart fill with steadfast trust and faith in HaShem. Envision all negative forces neutralized. Be confident and tranquil knowing that you are in the shelter of HaShem's protection. (Based on Nefesh HaChaim) To receive Salant Emails please send "request" to |