D'var Torah: The unprecedented miracles of Hanukah proved without a trace that HaShem has special favor for Klal Yisrael. An ancient parable reveals the secret that awakened the extraordinary miracles of Chanukah. A flax merchant entered the town with his camels laden with flax. The blacksmith wondered, "Where will all this flax be stored?" A clever man answered, "One spark from your bellows will burn it all up." Flax is highly combustible because it is filled with air. So too, the Greeks infiltrated into Eretz Yisrael with a powerful and massive army. "How can we conquer them?" someone asked. A wise man answered, "As formidable as they seem, they have no real power. One spark of trust in HaShem utterly consumes the Greek army."
Moral: The enemies of Israel are "highly combustible." One spark of trust in HaShem in the hearts of Klal Yisrael destroys the most formidable foe.
Application: Reflect on the remarkable miracles of Chanukah. As you light the Menorah, envision that you are kindling the flame of faith in your heart. See the spark of faith of Klal Yisrael burst out and consume all of our enemies. Experience the joy, holiness, and light of the final redemption.
(Based on writings of the Mashgiach Rebe Matisiyahu Solomon)