D'var Torah: Against all the odds, the twelve Chashmonayian Torah scholars arose and defeated the mighty Greek army. The source of their faith was the invaluable secret that HaShem revealed to Moshe during the Egyptian bondage. HaShem told Moshe to convey to Klal Yisrael, "I will be with the Jewish People in their darkest times. Let them pray to me, and I will redeem them." In other words, difficulties are not a sign that HaShem has abandoned us. On the contrary, HaShem is especially close to us in times of darkness. If we put our faith in HaShem when the situation looks bleak, He will answer our prayers. The knowledge that "HaShem was with them" inspired the Chashmonayim to take on their Greek oppressors. Their unshakable faith, sincere prayers, and courageous actions awakened the miracles of Chanukah. HaShem revealed His love and rescued them with great redemption.
Moral: There is no more significant test of faith than hardship. However, the more trouble we endure, the closer HaShem is to us -- "I Will Be with the Jewish People during their trials and tribulations." If we hold our faith that HaShem is with us and pray to Him, He will surely deliver us from all of our troubles.
Application: Envision the enormous suffering and persecution that Klal Yisrael suffered at the hands of the Greeks. See the Chashmonayim put their trust in HaShem. Envision the miracles that HaShem performed both on the battlefield and with the lights of the Menorah. If you are in a tight spot, be assured that HaShem is close to you, and strengthen your faith! Pray to Him, and He will rescue you.
(Based on Ha'arus HaTefilah citing the Ramban)