D'var Torah:After finishing his lecture, Hillel told his students, "I am going to perform the Mitzvah of bathing in the bathhouse." They asked, "Is bathing in the bathhouse a Mitzvah?" He explained the meaning of his words, "An earthly king appoints a servant to clean the royal statues of the king. It is befitting for the honor of the king that the statues of his image always be clean. How much more so, is it a Mitzvah for man, who is created in HaShem's likeness, to honor the King by washing his face." The holy Image of HaShem -- His goodness and holiness -- shines upon the countenance of humankind. Therefore, it is a special Mitzvah for man to honor HaShem by washing his face, which shines with the pure Image of HaShem.
Moral: The image of HaShem that is etched upon the countenance of man, reflects his holy soul, which emanates with holiness of the Holy One, May He be blessed.
Application: Contemplate upon your inner purity, goodness, and holiness. Envision the holy sage Hillel washing his face to honor HaShem. When you wash your face, have in mind that you are doing the Mitzvah of honoring HaShem. Shine with the dignity and nobility of one whom HaShem created in the Image of HaShem.
(Based on Orchos Tzadikim)