D'var Torah: "Moshe ascended the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain. The glory of HaShem rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. HaShem called to Moshe on the seventh day from the midst of the cloud" (Shemot 25:15). How does a human being prepare himself to ascend to the Heavens and receive the Torah from Hashem? Moshe ascended to the cloud and entered into the cloud for six days. The holiness of the cloud sanctified Moshe so that he would be fitting to receive the Torah and give it to Klal Yisrael. Hashem, in His great compassion and wisdom, sanctified Moshe to be ready to receive the Torah.
Moral: The attainment of personal holiness is the precondition needed for man to receive the holy Torah.
Application: Envision Moshe Rabenu entering the cloud and receiving Divine purification and sanctification. See Moshe receiving the Torah from HaShem atop Mount Sinai. Strive to attain Moshe's holiness and spiritual elevation through Torah study and practice.
(Based on Avot D'Rebbi Natan and the commentary of the Vilna Gaon)