The glorious Shechinah (Divine Presence) illuminated the Mishkan (Tabernacle) with holiness and light. Whoever entered the Mishkan immediately experienced the wondrous awe of HaShem. In addition, constant miracles occurred there, serving as a continuous reminder that HaShem's presence is in this House. For instance, the western flame of the Menorah stayed alight from evening to evening, well beyond its twelve hour supply of oil. The closeness of HaShem that permeated the Mishkan, offered incomparable inspiration and encouragement to every person who entered its gates.
Just as HaShem worked miracles in the Mishkan, so too, HaShem performs miracles for all those who seek to come close to Him. Indeed, the holiness of Torah and its observance gives us the opportunity to elevate ourselves beyond the confines of human nature -- and attain purity, wisdom, and goodness.
Envision yourself entering the Mishkan and experience the holy Shechinah. See the western light of the Menorah burn miraculously for twenty-four hours, every day for hundreds of years. Be inspired and encouraged by knowing that HaShem will also do miracles for you and help you overcome your nature. (Based on the commentary of the Kli Yakar to the Chumash) |