"And they shall make for Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst" (Shemot 25:8). HaShem loves Klal Yisrael with unbounded love and wants the light of the Shechinah to dwell upon their souls. Yet, how could the human soul, even the holiest of souls, merit to be so closely connected to HaShem, the Holy One blessed be He? In light of this, HaShem gave us His holy Torah to serve as an intermediary between HaShem and our souls. HaShem attaches the holy Shechinah to the Torah. In turn, HaShem commands us to attach ourselves to Torah study and observance. By consciously attaching ourselves to the Torah, we connect ourselves to the Shechinah, which perpetually dwells within the Torah.
HaShem opens the gates of holiness for Klal Yisrael through our connection to Torah, as the verse says, "I will dwell in their midst."
Reflect on the wonder that the holy Shechinah is connected to every word and letter of the Torah. When you engage in Torah study or Mitzvah observance be aware that you are connecting your soul to the holy Shechinah. Sense the holiness of HaShem flow into your being through your attachment to Torah, elevating, purifying, and enlightening your soul (Based on the commentary of the Chofetz Chaim)