Not an earthbound creature, a bird soars across the sky of blue. Imagine an eagle who never took to flight. He is content sitting under the shade of a great tree. What a pity! If he would but take to the air who would discover thrills, excitement, and adventure. Just as the eagle has lost its orientation, so too while taking passage on "mother earth" we often forget our spiritual agenda. We are temporarily stationed here to earn our eternal share in Gan Eden. Yet it is so easy to become distracted by the material attractions that surround us. In response to this dilemma, HaShem sends us wise counsel through the very Mitzvoth. For instance, the Torah has a special system of laws regarding the ancestral heritage of the Land of Israel. On the Jubilee Year - the 50th year - all land that was purchased reverts to the original owner. The practice and fulfillment of these laws reminds us that the earth is not ours. We are like passengers in a ship, who never consider their cabin as "home." May we take advantage of the invaluable advice the Torah offers us. Then we will remember our true destination. Our souls will sour to Heaven, where we will experience and rejoice in the splendorous light of "The Living King." [Based on Da'as Torah of Rav Yerucham HaLevi] |